Website security is a vast topic encompassing many aspects from SSL/TLS certificates to server configuration, to physical infrastructure. In modern web design it's important that communications be secured by encrypting the channel between your browser accessing an online site and its provider hosting the site.
TLS 1.0 and 1.1 were formally deprecated in March 2021, so now it's time for you as a website owner or developer to understand how this affects your site!
There is a developing trend of encouragement for HTTPS websites using TLS. A TLS certificate is a file that gets sent to all clients requesting to establish a connection with your server that allows data in transit to be encrypted. Securing your website with a TLS certificate is an easy way to protect your network from hacking.
You can use the Certificate Lookup tool to ensure the TLS certificate or SSL certificate for your website is accurate.
A valid TLS certificate generally shows the issuing authority, the domain to which the certificate was issued, the date from which the certificate became valid, an expiration date, a serial number for the certificate, and the certificate itself in a raw format and computed as a fingerprint.